Apple Just Lost Me as a Customer

While Apple isn’t failing to innovate, and making customers spend more than they want to through the decoy effect they’re penny-pinching.

Apple has removed something everyone loved from each and every new iPad. This time they have gone too far.

I’m not talking about the removal of wall warts from their boxed products. I’m not talking about the removal of the headphone jack.
I’m not talking about the removal of headphones.

Apple has taken our stickers away. Tim Apple, I’m not going to let this pass.

Apple has lost its soul, but they’re not a soul-jour

The Apple sticker represented something. The cooler than tho branding of Apple products could be embodied by a sticker, that you could place on your station wagon to show you also were “in the club”.

The club now is closed, thanks to Tim Apple. Probably counting pennies on the dollar as we speak.

It’s the environment, stupid

Sure, the stickers were created from plastic from the bones of dead dinosaurs.

Yet I’ve never seen stickers around any beauty spot destroying the view.

I’m going to call it. Compared to the rare earth materials in an iPad itself the plastic going into the stickers is a triviality. 

Saying it’s about the environment is typical Apple talk, but it doesn’t make it true. Like most things with modern “touch bar” Apple, this about the money.

Taking away the joy

Remember when unboxing the latest Apple toy was a fun, joyful event?

It felt special. We all felt special.

Now Tim Apple has taken the fun out of it all. For shame.


It’s difficult to bring back the innovation to a mega-corporation. It’s difficult to bring the love back for the product.

But to Tim Apple, I say, bring back the stickers. We need to preserve the spirit of what made Apple great (no, not the abuse from Steve Jobs, the good stuff). 

When we open a brand-new Apple product let us have our little moment of branded joy before we dive into the serious stuff.

Is that too much to ask?


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